Modno pravilo, ki bo za vedno spremenilo vaš stil

Če se v nečem počutite dobro, se tega držite.

Ko gre za naš zunanji videz, smo praviloma zelo previdni. Ljudje smo namreč izjemno občutljivi na obsojanja glede lastnega videza. Velikokrat je slednje razlog, da se zjutraj preoblečemo tudi petkrat, če mislimo, da nas okolica ne bo sprejela, pa čeprav nam je modna kombinacija všeč. Imamo novico za vse, ki to počnete/mo. To ni dobro.

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⋆Our dreams becomes our goals and our goals turns into our successes⋆⁣ ⁣ But for us to succeed at all, we first have to dare to dream. A goal is in the end nothing but a dream with a deadline.⁣ ⁣ For me it’s all about doing my small bit for our environment, wardrobes and mental health. A big dream, worthy goal and hopefully a great success.⁣ ⁣ If your goal doesn’t scare you a little bit then you are not aiming high enough. ⁣ ⁣ Hit ❤️ If you too are chasing your dreams! ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ You can shop my outfit from my link in bio – ⁣ #selfcarerevolution #takecareofyou #bestyou #whynotyou #whatareyouwaitingfor #focusonthegood #staytruetoyourself #beyourbestyou #embraceyourself #selfloveclub #wisdomoftheday #powerofwords #mindsetcreator #keepgroing #beanicehuman #kindnessismagic #kindnessiscontageous #spreadkindness #choosehappiness #likeit

A post shared by Tess ⋆ 🇬🇧 ⋆ 37 ⋆ Ethical Style (@tessmontgomery) on

Moda je v zadnjem času tako napredovala, da se moramo držati novega pravila, ki se glasi: Moda ne pozna pravil! Kdo je pravzaprav tisti modni bog, ki si je spomnil kako se lahko in kako se ne smemo obleči? Nekoč smo nekaj prebrali v reviji, videli na televiziji in podobno, potem pa to kar drži? Zapomnite si, MODA JE UMETNOST, namen modnih revij pa je, da nas navdihujejo, ne obsojajo, zato si drznite eksperimentirati. Pravico imate da preko oblačil izrazite svojo kreativno dušico, svojo osebnost, svoje počutje.

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⋆ Walking away from this weekend like… ⋆ ⁣ ⁣ I don’t even feel like it happened. Did it? Is it really Sunday today? I completely missed the whole thing. 🤦🏼‍♀️⁣ ⁣ This is my last week in full-on work mode before Christmas. From the 1st December I’m going to start slowing down and focus on my little family.⁣ ⁣ I’m going to get a cute tree 🌲 , buy a couple of ornaments from @libertylondon (like I do every year, I’m building a collection) bake gingerbread cookies 🍪with Ace and just enjoy the build- up and joy around Christmas.⁣ ❄️ ⁣ I wouldn’t want it all to pass me by like this weekend did… ⁣🤷🏼‍♀️ ⁣ Are you looking forward to Christmas or is it all a bit too much? ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #onparlemode #beigepalette #neutralcolours #beigefeed #oldchanel #neutralaesthetic #modeethique #neutralstyle #neutraltones #beigeaestethic #thenoisetier #stylecollective #mybeigelife #styledujour #preloved #statementring #outfitdujour #minimalstyle #minimalfashion #fashiondetails #secondhand #neutralshades ⁣⁣ #beige #neutraloutfit #theparisguru #styledujour #minimalchic #parisianlifestyle #lavieparisienne ⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣

A post shared by Tess ⋆ 🇬🇧 ⋆ 37 ⋆ Ethical Style (@tessmontgomery) on

Seveda obstajajo modne zapovedi, še posebej t.i. ”dress code”, ki jim sledimo ob določenih priložnostih, kot na primer na poslovnih ali pa svečanih dogodkih, pa še tu lahko eksperimentiramo, seveda na dostojen način. Sami se odločite ali boste sledili ”varni” črno-beli kombinaciji, vsekakor pa to ni potrebno. Ne pozabite, obsojali vas bodo le tisti, ki imajo sami slabo samopodobo, vi pa ste pogumni.

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⁣ – Tess, your last post, that’s such a cool outfit babes! ⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣ -Well, thank you Tess! That’s very kind of you to say!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ – Do you mind if I copy it?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ – Of course not, that is in the end the whole reason why to have a timeless capsule wardrobe. To wear things again and again.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ – Cool Tess, you are the best. Btw do you mind if I borrow your black boots and fluffy coat too?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ – Go ahead! Anything for a good Price Per Wear.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ (Using myself as inspiration since 2018 🤷🏼‍♀️)⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #beige #winterwhites #whiteonwhite #knittedjumper #mybeigelife #outfitdujour #PricePerWear #capsulewardrobe #timelessfashion #personalstyle #autumnoutfit #fallfashion #officeoutfit #workwear #hairtuck

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