90-ta: težko verjetno, ampak ta modni dodatek se vrača!

Prekrasen modni dodatek, ki nam bo v mrzlih dneh prijetno pogrel ušesa, je trenutno eden izmed najbolj kul modnih dodatkov te sezone!

Zima nam vsako leto prinese veliko razlogov za veselje. Poleg prekrasnih okrasnih lučk, ki se bleščijo na ulicah in v izložbah nam ljubih trgovin, nas vedno znova presenečajo in navdušujejo oblačila in modni dodatki. Letos se še posebej veselimo povratka modnega dodatka iz 90-ih. Beseda teče o puhastih naušnikih, ki nam ne uničujejo pričeske kot to storita kapa in klobuk. So naši pravi luštkani modni zaveznik, saj pristajajo vsaki obliki obraza in odlično dopolnjujejo zimske outfite.

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And the countdown begins! This past Saturday, I was busy with my ballet schools Nutcracker performances. After every performance I reflect on how much I LOVE teaching children something that is such a special part of my life. I may not be able to dance the way I once did, however, it absolutely fills my heart to see so many of my students on stage dancing with huge smiles on their faces including my own girls. Now with that behind me, I can finally focus on finishing up Christmas shopping and boy am I behind! Apparently Nicky has asked two different Santa’s now for some Ninja Turtle Michaelangelo toy. So I better get to finding one. . . . . . Cape and ear muffs are 20% off ending today! Go score some for yourself and put them under the tree. I’m sure @reesewitherspoon would agree! You can instantly shop my looks by following me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app @liketoknow.it #liketkit http://liketk.it/2yS5U #ballerina #draperjamesgirl #scoliosis #scoliosissurgery #champagnecoloredglasses #nyc #sfblogger #winterstyle #cape #earmuffs #christmastime #sanfranciscoblogger #mompreneur #ootd #styleinspo #winterwhite #draperjames #balletdancer #chronicillness #livermore #winecountry #napa #fauxfur #nutcrackerseason

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