Porod brez cenzure: Čudež rojstva ujet v objektiv

Na fotografijah boste videli vse neverjetne podrobnosti.

Žensko telo gre tekom nosečnosti skozi veliko faz sprememb. Ko pa napoči čas poroda, se telo spreminja z neverjetno hitrostjo in tako omogoči prihod novega življenja na svet. Kot vse matere vedo, porod je neverjetna izkušnja – navdihujoča, zastrašujoča in neverjetna hkrati.

Ne le, da je porod že sam po sebi pravi mali čudež, zasluži si, da ga proslavimo brez zadržkov. Ko boste videli fotografije, ki natančno ponazarjajo porod, se boste s tem preprosto strinjali. Če ste se morda spraševali, kako je mogoče, da skozi tako majhno odprtino lahko pride nekaj tako velikega, kot je dojenček, ne skrbite. Na intimnih fotografijah lahko poleg rojstva, občudujete tudi moč in vzdržljivost žensk ter sposobnost spreminjanja in prilagajanja vagine.

Nič ni bolj razburljivega od tega, ko prvič vidite dojenčkovo glavico.

Prikaz rojstva z nogicami naprej.

Porod z obrazom naprej je zelo redek.

Porod čepe.

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THE SPLASH // This fourth time mama had her own hand on baby’s head while it emerged and then with one more push, baby was guided out by the midwife. (Baby did not fall on the floor.) Midwife laid her down gently so mama could sit back and reach for her baby. Mama pushed her baby out in whatever position she felt best in. Squatting next to the bed happened to be where she felt best, only 20 minutes after arriving at the birth center! This image has previously been shared by @katiemurray.birthandlife and continues to be removed. The censorship of birth photography needs to end in 2017. Birth needs to be normalised. There are too many wounded mothers, traumatised by their own experience. We owe it to the next generation to improve the face of birth. Women need to be exposed to real images of birth so they may birth with confidence. #bumpbirthandbeyond #IGSTOPCENSORINGBIRTH #birthisnotporn Repost @katiemurray.birthandlife

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Porod v stoječem položaju.

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STANDING BIRTH // Last week my client birthed her 8lbs 4oz baby girl into her hands standing up! This is her waiting for the next contraction before she birthed the rest of her baby. The couple has shared their birth story and more amazing birth pictures on my blog tiny.cc/marchbaby “The midwife kept telling me to reach down and feel the head so I could feel the progress and I kept being like, “Hell no, crazy lady, stop telling me to do that!” But eventually she reminded me I had said I wanted to catch my baby and I needed to put my hand down to do that, so I did, even though it totally weirded me out.” #birthwithconfidence #birthisbeautiful #birtheducation #bumpbirthandbeyond Repost @birthphotographer ♡

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Porod z rokicami naprej.

Počep s podporo.

Porod v vodi.

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GO MAMA! #birthwithconfidence PC @katielewphotog

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Aktivno sodelovanje pri porodu.

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